Le Phi Thong

Le Phi Thong

Software Engineer

🧑‍💻 ❤️

Rails - Ethereum Explorer

Repo: lpthong90/rails-ethereum-tx-explorer

Rails Ethereum Explorer

Using Ruby on Rails to demo a simple version of Etherscan.

Documentation: https://lpthong90.dev/rails-ethereum-tx-explorer

Source Code: https://github.com/lpthong90/rails-ethereum-tx-explorer


  • List recent blocks, and recent transactions.
  • View a block, a transaction, and a address.
  • Search:
    • Block by number.
    • Transaction by hash.
    • Address by address.

Related Services

  • Redis => Use for caching and websockets
  • Alchemy => Get API_KEY to query blocks, transactions, addresses.

Environment Variables

CACHE_URL: redis://localhost:6379/1
REDIS_URL: redis://localhost:6379/1
ALCHEMY_URL: https://eth-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/<API_KEY>
ALCHEMY_WEBSOCKET_URL: wss://eth-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/<API_KEY>


> bundle install
> ./bin/dev


Home page: Home

View recent blocks: Blocks

View block by hash or number: Block

View recent transactions: Transactions

View transaction by hash: Transaction

View address by hash: Address

Video demo: